Applying Table Cell Attributes

The Table->Cell Options dialog box includes the ability to Apply Cell Style Named In. This allows a field to be defined that contains the name of a cell style.

In addition to this, the field content can be prefixed to apply a specific cell attribute:

TINT:Apply a tint value to the cell
SWATCH:Apply a named swatch color
TOPSWATCH:Apply a named swatch to the cells top stroke
BOTTOMSWATCH:Apply a named swatch to the cells bottom stroke
LEFTSWATCH:Apply a named swatch to the cells left stroke
RIGHTSWATCH:Apply a named swatch to the cells right stroke
TOPSTROKE:Apply a stroke weight in points to the cells top stroke
BOTTOMSTROKE:Apply a stroke weight in points to the cells bottom stroke
LEFTSTROKE:Apply a stroke weight in points to the cells left stroke
RIGHTSTROKE:Apply a stroke weight in points to the cells right stroke

For example, to apply a 50% tint, the field needs to contain “TINT:50”. If multiple fields are specified they can be separated by comma. E.g: TOPSWATCH:Red,BOTTOMSWATCH:Red