Computed Fields and Complex Tables

The movie below shows an XML Fragment being used to populate a series of fields and an entire table.

The data sources is created with just two fields – one for the “Product ID” and one to contain the contents of the “ProductAttributes” node structure.

XML Example:

Variations on the following “Computed Field” command are used to extract each attribute name into a set of field marker:

The EVALUATEXPATH processes a simple XPath command on the contents of the “ProductAttributes” field. Here it’s used to retreive the ‘Name’ attribute of the first <Attribute> node.  When the field content changes,  Computed Fields are processed and updated just like normal fields. Computed fields commands can take content from any field in the record they are associated with.

General information on the XPath syntax can be found here.

The movie also shows tables being updated using a simple XSL stylesheet, which creates rows, columns and cells that are applied onto the table design. The example defines the following XSL:

To keep the table content up-to-data,  a formatting rule with the table should be setup and the field defined as a ‘Formatted Rule’ field type. When the field is inserted or updated, the Formatting Rule creates the table and re-creates the content.