Creating an index

The easiest way to achieve this is to use the ‘Update Panel->With Page Numbers’ option. In the source data, include an empty field which will be populated with the page number each record is placed on. Alternatively you can create a custom field in the panel that can be populated with the page number:

  • Right click in the centre of the panel and use the ‘New Custom Field’ option
  • Give the new field a name on the dialog that appears
  • Click OK to create the field in the panel.

Once the document is complete, use the ‘Update Panel->With Page Numbers’ menu to update this field. If the catalog is split across multiple documents, add them to an InDesign book and use the ‘Update Page Numbers’ option on the book panel’s pop-out menu.

Once the page numbers are in the panel they can be inserted into the document in a tabular form or they can be paginated (if the Pagination Module is installed).