EasyCatalog 17.0.1 Release Notes

EasyCatalog 17.0.1


The following enhancements have been made to EasyCatalog and are available in the latest release on our web site. Maintenance customers can receive a version of EasyCatalog containing these modifications for an earlier version of InDesign by contacting us via the web site. Please be aware though that its not always possible to include all new features in previous versions.

The latest version of EasyCatalog can be downloaded from our web site on our downloads page.


3046Cell Pickup now more lenient when look for keys, checks for * and + at the end of the search field2022-05-05
3043“Show Image Search Paths…” will now prompt the user to select the image that should be imported for the field2022-04-27
“Show Image Search Paths…” will now prompt the user to select the image that should be imported for the field, and the report that’s generated will now offer additional advice (for example, if the file extensions available are wrong, if the image file cannot be opened due to permissions issues, if the file cannot be imported by InDesign, etc).
3044Performance improvement when checking for objects to release as part of “Release Anchored Objects”2022-04-27
Performance improvement when checking for objects to release as part of “Release Anchored Objects”.
This will offer significant improvements when working with long text flows as it should prevent unnecessary text composition.
3036Added support for SVG icons in the panel to enable them to display correctly on scaled displays2022-04-21
3019Added ‘syncstate’ attribute to XML reports2022-04-11
Each field output as part of the report XML will have a ‘syncstate’ attribute which is set to ‘updated’ if the field was updated during the last “Synchronize With Data Source” operation.
3014Added ability to specify number of header columns used by horizontal table population2022-03-25
There is currently no User Interface on this setting, so use the Table > Table Options dialog to set the table type to be ‘Other’.
In the text edit field, specify the number of header columns using the headercolumns attribute on the <simpletable> node.

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″ standalone=”yes”?> <ecscript> <table isfixedwidth = “true” tablespaceallocation = “evenly”/> <simpletable headercolumns = “2” expansion = “horizontally”/> </ecscript>
3006“position” attribute can now be specified the the <img> tag2022-03-18
Set to “custom”, the anchored image box will be set to a ‘custom’ anchored position
2962Support for the Language translation services2022-01-06
Added support for the DeepL translation service via a command that can translate text between locales.
2950Added ‘CURL Options’ preferences on the ‘Advanced Preferences’ dialog2021-12-08
Added ‘CURL Options’ preferences on the ‘Advanced Preferences’ dialog which currently supports the following options:

–http1.0 –http1.1 –http2-prior-knowledge –http2

These mirror the command line cURL options

2944“Apply Swatch to Text From Field” and “Apply Swatch to Text Stroke From Field” now work with text on a path2021-12-03

EasyCatalog > Custom Field Commands

3032Added PARTINDEX function2022-04-21
Added PARTINDEX function to return the index (1-based) of the given string in a delimited string

Parameter 1: The delimited string to search within Parameter 2: The delimiter used in the string Parameter 3: The string to search for

e.g {{{ PARTINDEX(FIELDSTR(‘my field’),’^p’,’search’) }}}

EasyCatalog – LUA Commands

3001Added support for ‘unpack’ LUA function2022-03-17
Added support for ‘unpack’ LUA function, which can be used to pass a table to a function that is expecting multiple parameters:

cols = {1, 2, 3}; table:collapserows(unpack(cols));

This is the equivalent of: {{{ table:collapserows(1,2,3); }}}

EasyCatalog – Pagination Module

2939Added “Exclude From ‘Update Furniture’ advanced field option to prevent the field from being considered during “Update Furniture”2021-11-25

EasyCatalog – Pagination Module > Formatting Rules

3018Performance enhancements for updating Formatting Rules2022-04-07

EasyCatalog – Pagination Module > Guide-based

2943Added support for “Collsion” layer2021-12-01
If a layer called “Collision” is defined by the user, *only* objects on that layer will be considered for collision detection. This layer can be used to define a mask, showing EasyCatalog where not to paginate on the page.

Bug Fixes

The following bugs have been fixed in this release of EasyCatalog. For clarity, the bug reports listed below show the original problem as reported. It is often not possible to detail the fix for each issue as they involve internal changes to EasyCatalog. Note that some bugs listed here refer to issues that were encountered with new features in the beta version by our beta testers and are included here for completeness.


3047Unable to specify empty ‘Decimal’ and ‘Thousands’ separators on the ‘Setup Custom Format’ dialog2022-05-10
3042“Data Contains Invalid Control Characters” warning dialog now has a “Don’t show again’ check box2022-04-25
3040Fixed issue with the lua ‘move’ command in formatting rule post processing that may report a bounds checking error2022-04-22
3033Previews are now displayed for file-based SVG files2022-04-21
3034Added support for higher resolution previews on scaled user interfaces2022-04-21
3035If a field is a tabular field containing image URLs, the images are not downloaded or previewed2022-04-21
3037User interface alignment fixes when running on a scaled user interface2022-04-21
3025Table rows being removed in error when “Remove Blank Lines for Empty” fields is on2022-04-20
3029Dialogs not resizing correctly on scaled displays2022-04-20
3030Potential crash when syncing with with new data when Multi-user workspace is used and the configuration of the data source has been changed by another user2022-04-20
3015Table Options dialog loses manual modifications to table script label XML when ‘other’ is selected2022-03-25
3011Rows are not always being deleted from tabular fields when “Remove Blank Lines for Empty Fields” is set and “When cells are empty” delete option is used2022-03-23
3009Key fields can now be highlighted in the panel by entering “KEY” in the quick search field2022-03-21
3010Drag and Drop of formatting rules no longer causes bogus changes in the document scroll position2022-03-21
3002Auto pickup tagging text ranges that already contain field markers2022-03-17
3003Auto pickup crashes when /m multi-line switch is used2022-03-17
3004^I can now be used in REGEX auto pickup to find field marker characters2022-03-17
2999Replacement image is always imported for URL(Live) images2022-03-16
Replacement image is always imported for URL(Live) images, even when the URI is empty and “Flag Empty Pictures as Errors” is off.
3000Crash when attempting to import from a URL with no path (i.e. only server name) using URL(Live)2022-03-16
2997Rows in header/footer are being used to determine the span of a column when populating horizontally2022-03-03
2996Wrong month can sometimes be output for date/time types if only a month is specified in the input format2022-03-02
2991UI modification: text fields now have additional white space characters automatically stripped2022-03-01
2993Image import performance enhancements:2022-03-01
* Most-likely image import paths are checked first
* Most-likely file extensions are checked first * Field names are now also cached (internally) in lower case, speeding up code that needs to find fields * Optimisation of code that determines whether groups/subgroups contain placed fields, records or errors. This should speed-up panel drawing * Single command now used to remove ‘crop’ settings from image box, rather than four * Populating fields in document now only retrieves “ignore unknown fields” when necessary
2986“Ignore Unknown Fields” is defaulting to true; the old behaviour was false2022-02-25
2985Data panels are updating when executing Javascript as a post-process when populating Formatting Rules (performance issue)2022-02-16
2981Matrix table will not populate if data source contains a field with an empty, or all-whitespace, name2022-02-14
2982QR Codes will only be populated if the pagination module is loaded2022-02-14
2983Deleted records are always being purged, regardless of the Advanced preference2022-02-14
2974“Update Selection” keyboard shortcut not working when text-on-a-path is selected in the document2022-01-19
2970Some data source packages cannot be opened2022-01-14
This can be the case when the user is using “Multiple Users Share This Workspace”, with the workspace folder located on a server.
It’s possible that the field configuration has changed on the server but, because the user hasn’t synchronised yet, their “snapshot.dat” is out of date.
2967Horizontal table population duplicating merged cell content2022-01-11
2965Tables set to ‘Recreate’ from tabular fields are not doing so during ‘Update Document’2022-01-10
2963Horizontal table population deleting merged cell content2022-01-06
Horizontal table population deleting merged cell content: if the table contains, for example, horizontally merged footer rows, the contents of the footer will be deleted after pagination.
2957Horizontal table population crashing2021-12-17
2958Shift + Ctrl + Alt does not export an Excel file containing custom fields when using “Update Data Source…”2021-12-17
A CSV file is exported when the three keyboard modifiers are down.
2952Columns not being deleted when they should2021-12-09
Column deletion behaviour has changed from the previous release, with some columns now not being deleted when the should.
2951CURL Advanced preferences not working2021-12-08
The cURL preferences on the Advanced Preferences dialog are not being applied (CURL Low Speed, CURL Low Speed Timeout, CURL Timeout).
2945Replace Fields from Book Panel menu not working on Windows2021-12-03
2940Snippets imported into picture boxes are always shown as ‘in error’ when using the Synchronize With Document option2021-11-29
2941“No Images Downloaded” message shown after image download, even though images were downloaded2021-11-29
2929If URL image metadata cannot be retrieved the image will be prevented from being imported2021-11-11
2927New Data Source dialog sometimes displays with a pop-up instead of a text edit field2021-11-03
New Data Source dialog sometimes displays with a pop-up instead of a text edit field, which prevents user from naming the new panel.

EasyCatalog > Custom Field Commands

3013Inserting a field name using the field pop-up on custom field dialog needs to double-up single quotes in field names2022-03-24
3005IF statement can sometimes evaluate to the wrong result when comparing numeric values2022-03-18

EasyCatalog – LUA Commands

2976Added optional parameter to the newexcel lua function to specify a sheet name2022-01-24
2964Added new lua command to do translations in createcontent.lua2022-01-07
records:addfield(“DE”); records:addfield(“FR”); records:addfield(“IT”); for i = 1,records:size() do r = records:getrecord(i) r:field(“DE”):setcontent( r:field(“Country”):content()); r:field(“FR”):setcontent( r:field(“Country”):content()); r:field(“IT”):setcontent( r:field(“Country”):content()); end records:translatefield(“DE”, “de”, “en”) records:translatefield(“FR”, “fr”, “en”) records:translatefield(“IT”, “it”, “en”)

EasyCatalog – Pagination Module

3041Subheader rows not being inserted into Matrix tables correctly when multiple groups share the same display name2022-04-25
3008Field name list on Matrix Table dialog not sorted alphabetically2022-03-21
2980Unknown exception at line 1205 in ECLibraryCacheItem.cpp2022-02-07
2972Merged header cells in Matrix Tables are not being populated2022-01-17
2969Wildcard library/Formatting Rule items can now be called ‘*’, ‘**’, ‘***’, etc2022-01-12
This is to overcome the limitation in Formatting Rules that you can’t have multiple rules with the same name, but you may want to have multiple wildcard Rules.
2960Crash when updating document, if Pagination Rules were also being updated2021-12-22
2956Table Rows not being deleted when ‘When Fields are Empty’ and “Remove Blank Lines for Empty Fields” are used together2021-12-16
2953Crash when extending a Matrix Table that contains merged cells2021-12-10
2936Matrix table not being set to correct width2021-11-23
Matrix table not being set to correct width if it contains header or footer columns (the table will be the width specified minus the width of the header and footer columns).
2937Header rows not being merged when adding columns to matrix tables2021-11-23

EasyCatalog – Pagination Module > Formatting Rules

3050Potential crash when updating Formatting Rules via the “Update Document > Selection” menu, if the selected Formatting Rule is deleted2022-05-13
3049Crash when attempting to update a Formatting Rule that contains data that no longer exists2022-05-12
3048“Unhandled Exception in ECProductStyle.cpp” at line 109632022-05-11
This is cause by populating a Formatting Rule in the document that’s not in the Formatting Rules panel.
3027Windows and Mac choose different Formatting Rules if it is unclear which Rule to use2022-04-20
2994Rules being shown as ‘updated’ during Update Document when they weren’t2022-03-01
2977Added ‘Scripting Module Required’ error message when attempting to use JavaScript Post Processing on Formatting Rules if the Scripting Module is not installed2022-01-25
2978Grow and Flow not working when paginating with Formatting Rules2022-01-25
2975“New Function Rule” menu not working2022-01-19
2973Javascript errors from Formatting Rules post-processing code are not being reported2022-01-18
2959Tables within tables in formatting rules are not being updated2021-12-17
2955Tables containing Rule Sets are not always being populated2021-12-16
2931Error messages not being displayed when populating Formatting Rules2021-11-17
2928Order of records not being obeyed when populating a Formatting Rule if the user has manually sorted the panel2021-11-10
2926Post processing LUA code not being executed during pagination2021-11-03

EasyCatalog – Pagination Module > Guide-based

2995Grow and Flow sometimes resizes box to be slightly taller than the page2022-03-02
2933Boxes that are being deleted leave behind a group containing a single box2021-11-19
Boxes that are being deleted leave behind a group containing a single box.
This affects how the library item is copied to the target spread and can affect the relative positions of the boxes if they are not grouped together in a single, outermost, group.
2923Grow and flow not working when paginating Rules2021-10-29
Library item is not growing to the bottom of the page; it’s going on to the next page

EasyCatalog – Pagination Module > Template

2921Pages are not automatically inserted if “Smart Text Reflow” is turned on2021-10-28
When populating a Rule Set in a template document, new pages are not being automatically inserted before the document is output when InDesign’s “Smart Text Reflow” is turned on.
This fix applies to 2020+

EasyCatalog – Enterprise

2938Images that should be downloaded by custom data providers are not being downloaded2021-11-23

EasyCatalog – Enterprise > Elvis

3045Crash when importing data2022-04-29
Some data structures downloaded from Elvis can cause the plug-in to crash.
2990Values returned in JSON arrays are not being shown in the panel2022-02-28

EasyCatalog – Enterprise > Salsify

2948Images are not being imported2021-12-07
Images are not being imported, due to the server URI not being pre-pended to the asset URIs returned by the server

EasyCatalog – Relational Module

3028Crash importing Field Options file into a child data source2022-04-20
3031Google Docs Spreadsheet and Woodwing Enterprise data sources cannot be created from inside of a Relational Data Source2022-04-20
3012Matrix table population fails with “unable to find field” when specifying a “group by” field and populating using a Relational Data Source2022-03-23
2934<img> tag crashes InDesign2021-11-19
<img> tag crashes InDesign when attempting to import formatted content from a field that is not linked to a field in one of the child data sources (i.e. it’s shown in red in the panel).

EasyCatalog – Scripting Module

3016“update page positions” parameters have changed in Applescript2022-03-30
This is caused by a conflict with some of the new properties added for the ECLINKs class.
2998Fixed issue with ecLinks class reporting frame links incorrectly on pages and spreads2022-03-15
2992ecContentType is now a EcLinkContentType enumeration to prevent a conflict with InDesign’s ‘ContentType’2022-03-01
2971InDesign crashes when accessing the same record twice via the ECLink script object2022-01-14
2966setFieldOption now supports “preprocesscode” to specify the preprocessing code2022-01-11
2954Renamed LinkStatus to EcLinkStatus to avoid clash with InDesign scripting dictionary2021-12-13
2946Added ‘preprocess’ to setFieldOption/getFieldOption2021-12-06

EasyCatalog – XML Module

2984Memory leak when synchronizing with data source2022-02-14
2968Alt clicking on “New” field button could result in fields with duplicate names but different XPaths being added to the configuration2022-01-12
2932Changed behaviour of detected new fields in an XML file2021-11-19
the shift key modified has been change to ‘Alt’ when clicking new in the XML data provider configuration dialog to avoid a conflict with the existing shift key which was used to indicate all nodes should be returned.

EasyCatalog 17.0.0


The following enhancements have been made to EasyCatalog and are available in the latest release on our web site. Maintenance customers can receive a version of EasyCatalog containing these modifications for an earlier version of InDesign by contacting us via the web site. Please be aware though that its not always possible to include all new features in previous versions.


2918Added new pop-up to “Replace Fields” dialog to select the layer to update.
User can now choose “All Layers” (this is the previous behaviour); “Current” to only replace fields on the ‘current’ layer (the layer with the pen icon in the Layers panel) or a named layer. Locked layers will not be updated.
2911Modification to “File > New > EasyCatalog Panel” menu to show data providers in alphabetical order
2899Added general preferences to manifest.xml file in data source package
Added general preferences, such as Content Tracking, to manifest.xml file in data source package
2891Modifications to URL image download
* “Always Download Latest” menu option renamed to “Download Latest”
* Image size and modification date are now requested when “Download Latest” menu option is on, and images will only be downloaded when the size and/or date has changed. This needs to be supported by the server providing the images. * Multiple images are downloaded simultaneously, increasing download performance.
2890Added support for batch updating of metadata for URL(Live) links
2887Added support for group rows in matrix tables
A group row can be included in the table prototype for the field selected in the ‘Group’ pop-up in the matrix table configuration dialog.
2875Added support for importing images encoded as Base64 in field content
A new option has been added to the “Location” pop-up on the “Picture Content” pane: “Field Content”.
2839Added supported for dragging and dropping fields from a data panel to the document
2833Applying a table style via HTML now forces the application of any cell styles
2817“Import from Data Source…” added to Configurations menu
2814Added right click “Delete Custom Field” menu option to EasyCatalog Lite/Record Viewer panel
2815Full serial number no longer displayed in the “About EasyCatalog” dialog
2807Field dependencies are now stored in Fields.XML to save having to re-caclulate them when re-loading a data source
2806Added “Fixed Width” checkbox to Matrix table dialog
Added “Fixed Width” checkbox to Matrix table dialog to specify that the header columns are a fixed width
2789When a tabular field table is filtered, the filter now “Matches” a regular expression rather than “Equals” a string value
2786Enhancements to Tabular Fields
Added support for assigning a FIELD to a table cell. When the cell is populated, the field is used to populate the cell content, so formatting etc, is carried over from the underlying field.



2788Added ‘Populate Formatting Rules on Drag ‘n’ Drop’ advanced preference
Added ‘Populate Formatting Rules on Drag ‘n’ Drop’ advanced preference, which will be the default option for Formatting Rules in new documents.
2775Wrong style being applied to <ul> tags
When nested <ul> tags were present, it sometimes applied the style from a later <ul>, <li> tag
2773Added support for the <font> ‘shade’ attribute to apply a paragraph shade
2768Added new keyword for Advanced numeric options to specify the suffix when the decimal part is zero
Added new keyword for Advanced numeric options to specify the suffix when the decimal part is zero

2759Tabular Field Enhancements – Added Support for Formatting Rules
2760Faster updating of fields when modifying content and field options
Field dependencies are now cached, so updating when updating a field only the fields affected by the change need to be updated (rather than the whole data source).
This also applies to updating field options.
2755Added a new HTML formatting option to control the use of a default <body> tag
“Enclose In <body> Tag” added as a new option. This defaults to on. Turning it off excludes the appearance of the default root tag in the parsed text.
2752Field Insertion Error Reporting Improvements
2746Enhancements to inline image insertion
2743Added scriptlabel attribute to the <IMG> tag
<img src = “xxxxx” scriptlabel = ‘test’/>
2735Added new “Advanced Preference” to specify the output format of reports
Reports can now be exported as Excel, CSV and XML in addition to the default, browser, option.
2733Whitespace or case changes to field names are no longer detected as changes during “Synchronize with Data Source”
Whitespace or case changes to field names are no longer detected as differences during “Synchronize with Data Source”

EasyCatalog > Custom Field Commands

This function can be used to retrieve the values specified in the data source parameters:

2883Added “DOESFILEEXIST” command

The command will accept multiple file paths as additional parameters, empty paths will be ignored. If all paths are empty, the function will return FALSE.

2818Added ‘FORMATDATE’ function
Added ‘FORMATDATE’ function which takes three parameters:
– The input date string – The input date format – The output date format

2750Added an optional count parameter to PARTSTR to get ‘count’ number of parts
2732Added new function “DOESDATASOURCEEXIST”
Added new function “DOESDATASOURCEEXIST” – returns TRUE if the specified data source exists:


EasyCatalog – LUA Commands

2880Added LUA command to obtain XML node name
Added command to obtain XML node name

name = myNODE:name();
2846Added new ‘doscript’ method
2823Added HTTP.postwithheaders method
2808Workspace ‘Scripts’ folder now added as access path for ‘require’
2795Add LUA formatNumber method, to take number, mask and type.
Added ‘formatNumber’ method, to take number, mask and type.

amount = formatNumber(amount, “[DECIMAL=.] [THOUSANDS=,]\n[PRECISION=2]\n[PREFIX=]\n[STRIPTRAILINGZEROS=YES]”, “NUMBER”);
2772Lua menus now support the HTTP class
2749Improved the error reporting of lua errors to include the text from the line of code with the error
2740Added RECORDSET.merge to merge the records from the given set
2741Added RECORDSET.filterout
Filters out any records from the record set by sets of field/value pairs
2742Added getcontent to RECORDSET to get the named field content from the nth record
2730Enhacements to Lua tables
– Added a new optional parameter to TABLE.getcell() to return the cell content including cleansing
– Added TABLE.setrowkeepwithnext to flag the row to keep with the next.

EasyCatalog – Pagination Module > Formatting Rules

2913Formatting Rule Drag to behaviour change
When dragging to a formatting rule in the document, it will only get regenerated if it has previously been populated
2879Hold Alt/Option key when selecting one of the “Update Document” option to suppress updating of Formatting Rules
2843Improvements for Formatting Rule and Drag and Drop.
รขโ‚ฌยข Formatting Rules can be post processed using Extenscript or Lua. Extendscript usage requires the scripting module. Any objects created by the script become managed as part of the formatting rule.
รขโ‚ฌยข Formatting Rule Update improvements. Formatting Rules get re-created when dragging new data onto rules that exist on the page, rather than just being updated. This allows the post pagination Script to change the elements of the rule and have consistent results. รขโ‚ฌยข Formatting Rules can now be dragged into a text flow รขโ‚ฌยข A range of fields or fields can be dragged into the text by click holding the selection in a data panel. https://www.65bit.com/docs/using-formatting-rules-with-extendscript/
2766Added search widget to the Formatting Rules panel
2748Enhancements to Formatting Rule based field types
As documented here:

EasyCatalog – Pagination Module > Guide-based

2824Library items can now be placed in the bleed area
Library items can now be placed in the bleed area – i.e. if guides are positioned off page.
This will only work though if the margins on the page are set to (0,0,0,0).

EasyCatalog – Pagination Module > Master

2796Boxes with an action applied are now assumed to be position index 1
Boxes with an action applied are now assumed to be position index 1, in the same way as boxes containing fields/field specifiers.

EasyCatalog – Pagination Module > Template

2907Multiple template documents can now be specified in the Template Document field
Multiple template documents can now be specified in the Template Document field – the template names should be separated by a carriage return.
e.g. in the Template Document field, enter FIELDSTR(templates) The ‘templates’ field would contain a list of templates to paginate into:

Macintosh HD:users:easycatalog:Templates:Template 1.indd Macintosh HD:users:easycatalog:Templates:Template 2.indd

Note: If outputting files, you need to use FIELDSTR(‘templatename’) in the output path (otherwise the output files for each template will overwrite each other).

EasyCatalog – Enterprise

2908‘Manage Enterprise Data Providersรขโ‚ฌยฆ’ dialog can now be used to hide built-in Enterprise data providers
Modification to “Manage Enterprise Data Providers” dialog to enable user to specify which built-in data providers are visible in the EasyCatalog Panel menu.
2896Add data provider script callback to populate “Data Source Information” dialog “Info” field.
2828Manage Enterprise Data Provider dialog enhancements
Manage Enterprise Data Provider dialog now allows Release Notes to be viewed for data providers and also indicates whether any are out of date and need updating.
2813Added “Manage Enterprise Data Providers…” menu option and LUA data providers to data sources pop-up menu

EasyCatalog – Scripting Module

2858The DSO.save method now saves all data source information
2853Added menu option “Install EasyCatalog Sample Scripts” to Script panel.
Added menu option “Install EasyCatalog Sample Scripts” to Script panel, this will download and install EasyCatalog sample scripts into “User->EasyCatalog Sample Scripts” folder.
2838setFieldOption now also accepts an array of field names as the first parameter
setFieldOption now also accepts an array of field names as the first parameter.
2831Added ‘logging’ property to EasyCatalog Object to enable/disable logging
Added ‘logging’ property to EasyCatalog Object to enable/disable logging.
If changing the location of the workspace folder, be sure to enable logging again to force EasyCatalog to log to the new location.
2821Added ‘datasources’ property to ‘datasource’ to access child data sources
Added ‘datasources’ property to ‘datasource’ to access child data sources – for example, to retrieve a list of the child data sources for a Relational data source:

2822Added ‘unformattedContent’ property to Field object
Added ‘unformattedContent’ property to Field object to get the unformatted/raw content of the field
2819Added support for new ECLink object available from scripting
Details of the methods and properties can be found in the Scripting documentation, available from the Help menu in InDesign

EasyCatalog – XML Module

2904Holding Shift key when pressing ‘Add’ button will prompt to add missing fields

Bug Fixes

The following bugs have been fixed in this release of EasyCatalog. For clarity, the bug reports listed below show the original problem as reported. It is often not possible to detail the fix for each issue as they involve internal changes to EasyCatalog. Note that some bugs listed here refer to issues that were encountered with new features in the beta version by our beta testers and are included here for completeness.


2914ECPAGE:// treats page numbers with alphanumeric characters as page names
2915Subsets are no longer internally limited to 5 parameters
This has been added to allow scripting to specify more subset parameters than can be configured using the User Interface.
2905Panel being sorted by wrong columns when fields are added or removed during Synchronize with Data Source
2900Computed Field command being lost on “Convert to Field Specifiers”
2898Table rows being deleted when Content Tracking switched off
Table rows being deleted when Content Tracking switched off and Row Options > Delete When Fields are Empty is used.
2893“Update All Custom Fields” not available to update fields that use a pre-processing script
2894Field Pre-processing LUA script not being called if the field content is empty
2889“Synchronize with Document” slow when using URL(Live) links
2888Live URL links would report missing Links when the host server was overloaded with requests
2884Lock/Unlock loses a field’s computed field command
2885Modification to column deletion to not delete column when cells are merged
If the table contains horizontally-merged cells that span a column, the column is no longer deleted if the merged cells contain content.
2881Regular fields are being shown as ‘in error’ and their content is not being output
Regular fields are being shown as ‘in error’ and their content is not being output as the ‘parse error’ flag is not being reset on Synchronize
2877Fields that contain multiple URL-based images are not automatically downloading previews
Fields that contain multiple URL-based images are not automatically downloading previews – only the first image is automatically downloaded.
2837Custom formats now add the [SUFFIX] after other options are applied
2836Dependencies are being cached when there are no records
Dependencies are being cached when there are no records, which results in an invalid dependency map
2834Dependencies not always being recalculated when first record has been deleted
Dependencies not always being recalculated when the first record in the record list has been deleted
2835Dependencies could be written out to fields.xml when they haven’t been calculated
2829Issue with fields out on sync when synchronising combined data sources
2825Crash when Record Viewer panel is open and the user opens a Relational Data Source
2826The name of the Download Images error report file is not being translated
The name of the Download Images error report file is not being translated – the file is called “0x53500kECDownloadErrorsLogFileTitleKey.html” rather than “Download Errors”.
2810Replace Fields… from book panel not closing documents that have been opened
2804Cleansing options not showing the special characters in EasyCatalog Lite
EasyCatalog Lite cleansing options not showing the special characters
2805“New Custom Field” menu not available in EasyCatalog Lite
2800Modifying some field options not updating field content
This is a defect introduced in an earlier beta version with the enhanced dependency checking functionality.
2790Importing Inline Images would not reapply field options if the content was the same
2780Applying a paragraph style via a <tag> is not removing character overrides
2781EasyCatalog can sometimes hang by attempting to keep opening a data source that cannot be opened
2782“Search Entire Data” and “Search Currently Shown Items” buttons enabled on table filter dialog
“Search Entire Data” and “Search Currently Shown Items” buttons enabled on table filter dialog, even though they don’t do anything.
2776Highlight document selection advanced preference is not being obeyed
2771Licenses being disabled unnecessarily during validation
2769“Package” is not always copying all files in the “Data” folder
“Package” is not always copying all files in the “Data” folder, such as the “Original Data.xml” file for XML Data Provider data sources
2767Added support for group tabular fields
2761Cleansing options preview translation character ^n not working
2762Cleansing options preview on Windows displaying broken and missing text
2763Cleansing options preview on Windows green changed text area not accurate
2757Images are not imported from a URL if the field is empty
Images are not imported from a URL if the field is empty – for example, if the user is building the full path in the Location field but the field’s content is empty.
2758Position Index not functioning correctly when dragging a group containing a single record
Position Index not functioning correctly when dragging a group containing a single record.
If the box(es) being dragged to has a position index > 1, dragging a group containing a single record will populate all boxes with the first/only record.
2747Master Based Pagination would remove items inside a given position index
2744“Show All” not clearing the quick search text field
2739Some field specifiers are not always populating
Some field specifiers are not always populating if the document contains an erroneous end of field marker with no matching start of field marker.
2736Hyperlink fields are always being treated as ‘formatted’ if any fields in the data source are formatted
Formatting should only be applied to hyperlinks containing <tags>

EasyCatalog > Custom Field Commands

2857Custom field update performance enhancements
2845SORT custom field command not always sorting numeric values correctly
SORT custom field command not always sorting numeric values correctly, if the field content also contains non-numeric data – e.g.

SORT(TRUE,^p,’09.07. bis 11.09. 02.07. bis 04.09. 09.07. bis 10.09.’)
2812CREATERANGES not sorting delimited list into order before creating the ranges
2783FRAC2DEC not working with when supplied integer numbers
2784FRAC2DEC not working when input string contains a unicode fraction slash
2753Path shown on IMPORTFILE example is incorrect

EasyCatalog > Combined Data Sources

2902Wrong field lists being shown when editing link
Wrong field lists being shown when editing link, which can lead to a ‘cannot compare placeholder fields’ error on sync.
2903‘Field’ pop-up sometimes changes back to ‘Value’ when editing a link
2882Update Furniture failing when using “Apply Swatch Named In” with Combined Data Sources
This appears to be happening when using custom fields created in the Combined Data Source.
2876DOESFIELDEXIST command not displaying results referencing a field that does not exist for the record being evaluated
2871Update Furniture not updating custom fields created in a Combined Data Source
2854“Edit Condition” dialog allowing fields from all data sources to be selected in the left-most popup
“Edit Condition” dialog allowing fields from all data sources to be selected in the left-most popup: it should only allow fields from the ‘root’ data source.
2850Memory leak when working with Combined Data Sources
Memory leak when working with Combined Data Sources – memory not freed when closing the data source.
2848Combined Data Source comparison performing a ‘Contains’ instead of an ‘Is’
The ‘Is’ comparison operator is performing a ‘contains’ operation when comparing field values
2791Update Furniture not populating fields when using a combined data source
Updating furniture is not working correctly when using a combined data source – for example, if a field from data source A is placed at the top of a page, the furniture box cannot update with data from data source B.
This modification will only work where there’s a 1:1 relationship between the records from different data sources.
2792Replace Fields not always working
It’s not possible to replace fields from data source A with fields from data source B, even if there’s a 1:1 relationship between records.
2793Sync with Data Source keeps reporting the same records as being deleted
Synchronize with Data Source should report the records that were deleted during the last sync.
However, with Combined Data Sources the same deleted record(s) is being reported each time.
2785Crash when attempting to insert a placeholder(chequered) field

EasyCatalog – LUA Commands

2901‘callback’ LUA function does not order groups correctly
‘callback’ LUA function does not order groups correctly – i.e. the groups are processed in alphanumeric order, rather than numeric order (if the group field is defined as numeric)
2859Fixed issue with embedded Lua logic inside a table cell. Sometimes the correct order of commands would not be obeyed
2844HTTP.get() much slower than HTTP.gettofile()
This would affect all URL-based operations, whether through LUA or EasyCatalog’s UI.
2794LUA dialog checkboxes are showing as an indeterminate state when initialised with a ‘false’ value
2751sortrowsbyvalue excludes one of the rows in the range

EasyCatalog – Excel Data Provider

2745Boolean values are always being imported as ‘true’

EasyCatalog – File Data Provider

2872UTF-8 encoded byte order marker being included in first field name
If a UTF-8 encoded file includes a UTF-8 encoded byte order marker, this marker will be included in the first field name when importing the file.
This also prevents quoted field names from being un-quoted correctly.

EasyCatalog – Pagination Module

2919Ungroup Pagination Rule now works on a released anchored object
2892Frame Width to Content Width fitting option ignoring anchor point for text boxes
2816Attributes not being filtered from right-click context menu
Attributes not being filtered from right-click context menu based on the “Filter” option select in the Pagination Rules panel’s pop-out menu.
2799Formatting Rules criteria are being evaluated after the record’s position in the group
Formatting Rules criteria are being evaluated after the record’s position in the group, which results in the wrong Formatting Rule being chosen.

EasyCatalog – Pagination Module > Flow-based

2841“Keep With Next” sometimes being applied incorrectly
“Keep With Next” sometimes being applied when it shouldn’t to paginated items

EasyCatalog – Pagination Module > Formatting Rules

2878Detach Rule is disabled when an anchored Rule is selected
This option should only be disabled when the Rule is anchored in a Rule Set.
2874Germans strings not displaying in full on Formatting Rule information dialog
2861Unhandled exception in ECFormattingRulesMgr.cpp at line 4281
Unhandled exception in ECFormattingRulesMgr.cpp at line 4281 – should be reporting “Rule not found error”.
2862Formatting Rules are sometimes being updated when the “Update Formatting Rules” option is off
2860Large formatting rules are sometimes failing to populate
Large formatting rules are sometimes failing to populate when dragged to the page, if boxes at the top of the Rule are set to resize and they’re off the top of the pasteboard
2856Update Document > Selection on an anchored formatting rule inserts extra rule
Update Document > Selection on an anchored formatting rule inserts extra rule, rather than replacing the one that’s there
2802Formatting Rules are sometimes being ungrouped incorrectly
2803Formatting Rules being updated with wrong records
– If a new panel has been manually created containing only a few records from a data source, and all of those records in the panel are used to populate a Formatting Rule, it will later be updated with all records in the data source.
– If a panel has been created using an Advanced filter (e.g. showing ‘placed’ records) and all of the records shown in the panel are used to populate a Formatting Rule, it will later be updated with all records in the data source.

EasyCatalog – Pagination Module > Guide-based

2886Double-page items are not being automatically detected
2738Restrict Vertical Cell Merging to Page Bounds crashing

EasyCatalog – Pagination Module > Master

2912Positions being left behind when break on field change specified
When breaking to a new page or spread, unused positions are being left behind in the document regardless of what the “Unused Positions” pop-up is set to
2797Linked text boxes are not overridden from the master page correctly – only the first box in the chain will be overridden.

EasyCatalog – Pagination Module > Positional

2920Paginating an ungrouped panel will store incorrect data on Formatting Rule
Paginating an ungrouped panel will store incorrect data on Formatting Rule, resulting the wrong data being used to update the Formatting Rule during “Update Document”.
2764Fixed issue with positional pagination placing objects in the wrong position due to text wrap

EasyCatalog – Pagination Module > Template

2917Furniture is not being updated when paginating template documents
2851FIELDSTR command in document template path not working when paginating Relational Data Source
2734Template pagination ignoring the “Update Furniture After Pagination” option
Template pagination ignoring the “Update Furniture After Pagination” option and always does it.

EasyCatalog – Enterprise

2909Issue when populating “Manage Enterprise Data Providers” dialog was showing a progress bar.
2863Datasource.xml file keeps growing in size when using LUA-based providers
2820On the Manage Enterprise Data Source Dialog the underline needs to be black when using the light UI

EasyCatalog – Enterprise > Elvis

2728Assets in collections are not being imported

EasyCatalog – ODBC Module

2873Errors not always being reported in full.
This version now uses different ODBC API calls that should receive more descriptive error information from the ODBC driver.

EasyCatalog – Relational Module

2842Crashing when displaying Relational Data Source Configuration dialog
Crashing when displaying Relational Data Source Configuration dialog (specifically, displaying the child data sources in the configuration dialog).
2832Crash when attempting to apply picture options
Crash when attempting to apply picture options and the field being placed doesn’t have an underlying record

EasyCatalog – Scripting Module

2916DSV.subsetOf not correctly assigning subset parameters to the DSV
DSV.subsetOf not correctly assigning subset parameters to the DSV, which results in Formatting Rules being incorrectly populated
2865Script methods myDS.setOption and myDS.getOption not working with Custom Data Providers.
2849myDS.setFieldOption would not redraw DSV’s after changing field options
2847“No selection” error is not being reported when using “placeFormattingRule” call
2840“Synchronize” button is now disabled on Information dialog if the workspace has a “PostSynchronizeWithDataSource.jsx” script
“Synchronize” button is now disabled on Information dialog if the workspace has a “PostSynchronizeWithDataSource.jsx” script.
This is because scripts cannot be executed when the dialog is displayed.
2811insertField returns an error when attempting to insert an empty tabular field
2809runLua shown incorrectly in documentation
runLua shown incorrectly in documentation:
– ‘runlua’ instead of runLua on EasyCatalog object – ‘executeLua’ instead of ‘runLua’ on Data Source object
2779purgeDeleted not updating the DSVs immediately
Calling datasource.purgeDeleted does not immediately update any DSVs created for the data source.
2770The selection method insertField would fail on field retrieved from a DSV rather than a DSO
2756Missing properties in Scripting documentation
‘fields’ property missing from ‘record’ object
‘dataviews’ property missing from ‘datasource’ object ‘datasources’ property missing from ‘easycatalog’ object ‘records’ property missing from ‘datasource’ object ‘records’ property missing from ‘dataview’ object
2754Added new method(importFormattingRules) to the EasyCatalog object to import formatting rules
var f = File(‘/Users/xxx/Desktop/rules.indd’); app.easycatalogObject.importFormattingRules(app.activeDocument, f);
2737updateDocumentField not updating all fields
updateDocumentField not updating all fields – as reported, Formatting Rule fields inside of tables.