Enterprise Data Provider

Creating an Enterprise Data Provider Script For JSON data

JSON itself is a data interchange format that represents structured data as a collection of key-value pairs. It doesn’t inherently have the concept of records and field sets like you might find in a database. However, you can transform JSON data into a structure that EasyCatalog can import via a simple script. You essentially break […]

Creating Custom JSON Data Providers

The JSON File Sample Data Provider illustrates how to select and parse a typical JSON file and load a set of records and fields into EasyCatalog. The sample file can be downloaded here: JSON Sample File


Connecting to Perfion

EasyCatalog provides a direct connection to Perfion without the need to export data files. With the Enterprise Data Provider installed, the script which handles the connection can be installed from the File->New->EasyCatalog Panel->Manage Enterprise Data Providers… menu. After selecting this you should see Perfion API listed as one of the installable scripts. Select it and […]

Managing Enterprise Data Provider

EasyCatalog allows access to third party systems, such as PIM or DAM systems, via Custom Data Providers. ย The Enterprise Data Provider allows these scripts to installed, updated or removed using the “File->EasyCatalog->Manage Enterprise Data Providers…” menu option. Publicly available scripts are hosted by us in a central location. To download and install a provider, click […]

Support for Custom Salsify Channels

For custom channels, EasyCatalog allows the creation of scripts that take channel data and turn into a record set which EasyCatalog can load. ย Scripts are written in Lua. They take raw channel JSON and return a RECORDSET object. The name of the file should match the name of the channel, with a.lua extension. Scripts should […]

Custom Data Providers

Overview Through optional modules EasyCatalog provides a number of data providers (ODBC, XML, Excel, CSV, Sqlite). ย The Enterprise Data Provider also provides additional connections to a number of third party systems. ย For connections to other systems, such as JSON or REST APIs, the Enterprise Data Provider enables the ability to create custom data providers. Creating […]

EasyCatalog Server and Salsify

The Enterprise Data Provider supports direct connections to a Salsify Data Sources. ย The normal login procedureย uses OAuth based authentication, which uses a browser to login to Salsify. InDesign Server does not allow user interaction, so an alternative method method is supported where a static ‘access token‘ can be used as part of the data source […]