Pagination Module
What’s New In 2025
Here’s a list of the major new changes in 2025 compared to the 2024 version of EasyCatalog: Enhanced Tabular Fields These behave in a similar way to regular fields and can be sorted and filtered. They also support most regular field operations, such as Replace Fields and Update Document->Panel Selection. ย Nesting is also possible. Further […]
Building Data Sheets Using Containers (2025)
This example outlines the steps involved to paginate and build data sheets using Containers. It illustrates how each area of a template can accommodate data and flow to subsequent pages as needed. The Example The example files can be download here: Datasheets 2025 To install the data source use File->New->EasyCatalog Panel->Import Data Source. To paginate, […]
Containers (2025) – Overview
New Composition Engine The Composition Engine has been updated for 2025. It now treats nested Containers independently. Support for Field Values and regular Tabular Fields has been deprecated. To work with Tabular fields, the Enhanced Tabular field type should now be used. The previous Composition engine can still be used by selecting “Legacy Composition” on […]
Building Data Sheets Using Containers (2024)
This example outlines the steps involved to paginate and build data sheets using Containers. It illustrates how each area of a template can accommodate data, using both Data and Content threading, and flow to subsequent pages as needed. The Example The example files can be download here –ย Data Sheet Example Data To install the data […]
Containers (2024) – Overview
Prerequisites Requires the ย Pagination Module. Sample Data A sample workspace and document is available from link below. Containers Sample Files Import the Data Source using File->New->EasyCatalog Panel->Import Data Source. ย This contains images and will open with the correct grouping for paginationย (Category 1 > Category 2 > Category 3).The sample defines a number of Parent Pages […]
Building Data Sheets Using Containers
This example outlines the steps involved to paginate and build data sheets using Containers. It illustrates how each area of a template can accommodate data and flow onto subsequent pages as needed. The Example The example files can be download here Here To install the data source use File->New->EasyCatalog Panel->Import Data Source. To paginate, select […]
Containers – Fields With Multiple Values
Prerequisites Requires the Pagination Module. Sample Data A sample workspace and document is provided for reference. Import the data source using the File->New->EasyCatalog Panel->Import Data Source… menu option. ย The data contains two fields shown below: Multiple Field Values Sample Each field has values separated with a comma. EasyCatalog requires them to be delimited with a […]
Containers – Tabular Fields
Prerequisites The Pagination module is required to for container functionality. Sample Data A sample workspace and document is provided and relates to the example below. Import the data source using the File->New->EasyCatalog Panel->Import Data Source… menu option. ย This contains a simple tabular field formed with HTML content:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | <table> <tr><th>Material</th><th>T. mรกx. (ยบC)</th><th>Aplicaciones</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Metal/Metal</td><td>>250</td><td>Altas temp./Baja estanqueidad</td></tr> <tr><td>EPDM (E)</td><td>120</td><td>รcidos y aceites no minerales</td></tr><tr><td>NBR (N)</td><td>120</td><td>Hidrocarburos, aceites y grasas</td></tr> <tr><td>FKM-FPM (V)</td><td>200</td><td>Servicio quรญmico/Altas temp.</td></tr> <tr><td>VMQ (S)</td><td>250</td><td>Industria alimentaria/Altas temp.</td></tr> <tr><td>PTFE (T)</td><td>250</td><td>Resistente a corrosiรณn</td></tr> </table> |
The sample document contains a series of […]
Containers – Overview
Prerequisites Requires the ย Pagination Module. Sample Data A sample workspace and document is available from link below. Import the data source using File->New->EasyCatalog Panel->Import Data Source. ย This contains images and should open with the correct grouping for paginationย (Category 1 > Category 2 > Category 3). Container Sample Files What are Containers? Containers can be used […]
Edge Relationship Tool
The Edge Relationship Tool can be used to establish geometric relationships between parent and child frames. The Tool is shown in the InDesign Tool panel asย When the parent frame is moved or resized, the distance between the nominated edge remains the same. Here the bottom of the frame at the top is linked to […]
Showing the First and Last Entries on a Page Using Furniture
EasyCatalog’s Furniture features allow you to populate a box with data for the first or last item on a page after pagination.ย Sometimes, however, it’s necessary to display both the first and last records in the same furniture box.ย To do this, custom fields must be created to determine which records are on the page […]
Formatting Rule Regeneration Options
Regeneration options determine when the Formatting Rule is rebuilt. They can be rebuilt based on 3 options: When the rule changes. If the Formatting Rule has been updated since originally placed, it will be rebuilt. When the data changes. If any fields or records that make up the rule have been updated, it will be […]
Applying Table Cell Attributes
The Table->Cell Options dialog box includes the ability to Apply Cell Style Named In. This allows a field to be defined that contains the name of a cell style. In addition to this, the field content can be prefixed to apply a specific cell attribute: TINT: Apply a tint value to the cell SWATCH: Apply […]
What is a Matrix Table?
A matrix table is a table that expands both horizontally and vertically. The amount of rows and columns is determined by the number of unique values in the specified fields. Matrix tables are generally ‘look up’ tables. In the following example, the two products are available in three ‘colours’, two ‘finishes’ (‘gloss’ and ‘matt’) and […]
Matrix Table Configuration Dialog
EasyCatalog provides the ability to a create a matrix table โ a table that expands both horizontally and vertically, populating data at the intersection of each column and row. A new dialog is available on the Table menu (on the data panelโs pop-out menu) to specify the more common matrix table parameters. Additional parameters are […]
Can I automatically rename an InDesign form field during pagination?
EasyCatalog can automatically rename form field items during pagination using a configuration specified using InDesign’s Script Label panel. Show the “Script Label” panel from the “Window > Utilities” menu Select the button form field in the document Paste the following into the “Script Label” panel
1 2 3 4 5 | <ecscript> <formfield> <name field="Stock Code"/> </formfield> </ecscript> |
Deselect the form field in the document (deselecting ‘writes’ […]
Matrix Tables
EasyCatalog provides the ability to a create a matrix table โ a table that expands both horizontally and vertically, populating data at the intersection of each column and row. Matrix tables are defined using commands in an XML format, specified using the Script Label panel with the table selected. There are three required nodes in […]
Reapplying Pagination Rules during Update Document
By default, Pagination Rules are not re-applied during an Update Document operation.ย However,ย holding down a keyboard modifier while selecting the ‘Update Document’ menu can force them to be reapplied: Shift key: if a box contains any field that has been updated its Pagination Rules will be reapplied Shift + Alt key: Pagination Rules will […]
A new page could not be inserted because the page being paginated into does not have a master applied
This is displayed because EasyCatalog is trying to paginate into a page that does not have a master applied ([None]).
A new page was inserted but it does not contain any intersecting guides
This is displayed because EasyCatalog has inserted a new page however there is no intersecting guides to define where…
A new page was inserted but the amount of overset text was not reduced
This is caused by EasyCatalog trying to insert an item into the text flow that is deeper than the frame…
An invalid numeric value was used in a Pagination Rules action: ‘XXXX’
This is displayed because a numerical operator is being used in a Pagination Rules Action however the value specified is non numeric…
An unknown group was specified in the ‘Group Name’ attribute for the library item ‘XXXX’
When you set the Pagination Rules of a library item to ‘Once Per Group’ and specify the group in…
‘Grow and Flow’ could not find a frame to continue paginating into in the library item ‘XXXX’
This is displayed when EasyCatalog cannot find a frame to ‘Grow and Flow’ into when using the ‘Continuation’ option…
No intersecting page guides are defined on page X
In order for EasyCatalog to paginate an item when using Guide Based Pagination it must be able to find a guide intersection…
No positions available on page X
This will only be displayed when using Master Based Pagination. When items have been placed…
Pages cannot be automatically inserted because you are not paginating into a master text frame
This is displayed because the document is being paginated into the Master Spread…
Pagination cannot commence, as the pagination library could not be opened
This is displayed because EasyCatalog cannot open the library specified in the ‘Paginate…’ dialog…
Pagination cannot occur on a master page
This is displayed because the document is being paginated on the master spread, use the ‘Pages’ panel…
Pagination could not start because there were no items available to paginate the selected records
This is displayed because EasyCatalog cannot find a library item to use in the pagination…
Setting up a document for Guide Based Pagination
To use Guide Based Pagination guides must be created so that EasyCatalog knows where to paginate the items…
The EasyCatalog Pagination plug-in is not compatible with the current version of EasyCatalog
This is caused by a version number mismatch between the Pagination plug-in and the EasyCatalog Base Module…
The item is set to insert ‘Frame Contents’, but has no text boxes
This is displayed because the ‘Insert’ attribute is set to ‘Frame Contents’ on an object that is not a text box…
The library item ‘XXXX’ does not fit within the bounds of the page at the next guide intersection
A library item that overlaps the margin of the page causes this, the error message shows the location where this error occurred…
The “Group Name” has not been specified
This is displayed because a library item is set to ‘Paginate’ ‘Once Per Group’ but no ‘Group Name’ has been specified…
The paragraph style “XXXX” could not be found in the pagination document
This is displayed when EasyCatalog cannot find a paragraph style in the document that is specified in the Pagination Rules…
Unable to apply master page ‘XXXX’
This will only be displayed if the ‘Apply Master Named In’ option is being used in the ‘Paginate…
Why is my pagination slow?
Pagination can become slow for many reasons, one of the most common…