InDesign CC is a 64bit application, whereas previous versions were 32bit. As such a 64bit ODBC driver is required, which needs to be configured in the ODBC Administrator. 32bit only drivers will not work in a 64bit application.
- General
- What's New In 2025
- What's New In 2024
- What's New In 2023
- Sales FAQs
- EasyCatalog and EasyCatalog Lite End User License Agreement (EULA)
- EasyCatalog and EasyCatalog Lite Licensing FAQs
- EasyCatalog High-Level Overview
- Upgrading to InDesign 2024
- How Does Licensing Work with Creative Cloud Versions?
- EasyCatalog in Japanese
- How do a get an invoice?
- Is EasyCatalog available in Spanish/Espaรฑol?
- I would like to upgrade my InDesign CS5.5 (or earlier) version of EasyCatalog to CC 2014 but I didn't find an upgrade path on your site
- I would like to upgrade my InDesign CS6 version of EasyCatalog to CC 2014 but I didn't find an upgrade path on your site
- Do you offer educational discount?
- Can I extend my trial?
- How much does support cost and how does it work?
- Is EasyCatalog available for InDesign Server?
- How do I stop the "About EasyCatalog" dialog box appearing when launching InDesign?
- Why have I been charged VAT for an online purchase?
- Sales FAQs
- Activation FAQs
- EasyCatalog Product Activation
- Removing EasyCatalog's License File
- I've just updated my Mavericks and am receiving a -2003 error when I try to activate
- Registering the InDesign Server version of EasyCatalog
- How do I stop the "About EasyCatalog" dialog box appearing when launching InDesign?
- Maximum number of allowable activations being met
- 0xe0a00001 error when trying to activate
- Activation FAQs
- Modules
- ODBC Data Provider
- ODBC Data Provider no longer connects after upgrading to macOS X Ventura 13.3
- Adding user defined parameters to an ODBC data source
- I've just upgraded to InDesign CC and my ODBC data source isn't working
- Is there any way to work with smaller sets of ODBC-based data?
- Exporting a CSV file from an ODBC Data Source in EasyCatalog
- ODBC Data Provider not loading on Macintosh
- ODBC Driver architecture mismatch
- Setting up a FileMaker datasource
- Setting up EasyCatalog to use an ODBC data source
- Which ODBC Driver should I get?
- ODBC Data Provider
- Pagination Module
- What's New In 2025
- Building Data Sheets Using Containers (2025)
- Containers (2025) - Overview
- Building Data Sheets Using Containers (2024)
- Containers (2024) - Overview
- Building Data Sheets Using Containers
- Containers - Fields With Multiple Values
- Containers - Tabular Fields
- Containers - Overview
- Edge Relationship Tool
- Showing the First and Last Entries on a Page Using Furniture
- Formatting Rule Regeneration Options
- Applying Table Cell Attributes
- What is a Matrix Table?
- Matrix Table Configuration Dialog
- Can I automatically rename an InDesign form field during pagination?
- Matrix Tables
- Reapplying Pagination Rules during Update Document
- A new page could not be inserted because the page being paginated into does not have a master applied
- A new page was inserted but it does not contain any intersecting guides
- A new page was inserted but the amount of overset text was not reduced
- An invalid numeric value was used in a Pagination Rules action: 'XXXX'
- An unknown group was specified in the 'Group Name' attribute for the library item 'XXXX'
- 'Grow and Flow' could not find a frame to continue paginating into in the library item 'XXXX'
- No intersecting page guides are defined on page X
- No positions available on page X
- Pages cannot be automatically inserted because you are not paginating into a master text frame
- Pagination cannot commence, as the pagination library could not be opened
- Pagination cannot occur on a master page
- Pagination could not start because there were no items available to paginate the selected records
- Setting up a document for Guide Based Pagination
- The EasyCatalog Pagination plug-in is not compatible with the current version of EasyCatalog
- The item is set to insert 'Frame Contents', but has no text boxes
- The library item 'XXXX' does not fit within the bounds of the page at the next guide intersection
- The "Group Name" has not been specified
- The paragraph style "XXXX" could not be found in the pagination document
- Unable to apply master page 'XXXX'
- Why is my pagination slow?
- Pagination Module
- Scripting Module
- Using the 'monitorFolder' method
- Scripting Support For Links
- Replacing Delimited Field Names With Field Content
- Custom Menus and Dialogs
- Accessing the InDesign Scripting DOM via Lua
- Creating a Calendar using LUA
- Custom Image Import
- Custom Relinking of Fields
- Using LUA commands to create an index/glossary
- Accessing Guide Based Pagination Progress on InDesign Server
- Advanced Conditional Processing Using Lua
- Get the name of the selected data source
- Setting pagination options via a script
- Referencing a field in a CALLSCRIPT script
- Using a post image import script to manipulate an image
- A quick way to retrieve a list of data sources
- Iterate down a book, checking documents for changes and updating the panel
- Iterate down one data source, filtering another panel based on the contents of a field
- Iterate through a data source, exporting one document per record
- Open data source and output contents of a named field
- Open data source, sync with data source, open document and paginate at guide positions
- Open document, update furniture and save under new name
- Search and Replace multiple fields
- Scripting Module
- XML Data Provider
- Importing XML Data that contains varying levels of grouping
- Using EasyCatalog to Create a Cross Table of XML Data
- Computed Fields and Complex Tables
- Do you have an example URL based XML data source?
- Adding a fake key to an XML data source
- Loading XML into a field
- Using a Relational Data Source in an XML Data Source
- How do I retrieve an XML file from a URL?
- Newly added XML fields are not showing in the panel
- XML Data Provider
- EasyCatalog
- Upgrading to InDesign 2025
- EasyCatalog 2025 Release Notes
- EasyCatalog 2024 Release Notes
- EasyCatalog FAQs
- Exporting Field Options in a Configuration
- IDMS Field Type
- What's New In 2025
- Building Data Sheets Using Containers (2025)
- Importing Data from a Google Docs Spreadsheet
- Enhanced Tabular Fields
- Using ImageLink to download and cache images
- What's New In 2024
- Building Data Sheets Using Containers (2024)
- Containers (2024) - Overview
- Tabular Fields and the JSON Content Type
- Using a barcode font to generate barcodes
- Hiding Code in Advanced Custom Fields
- EasyCatalog 18.0.0 Release Notes
- Excluding Fields Which are Never Required
- Replacing Fields
- Hyperlinks
- Common Activation Errors
- EasyCatalog 17.0.2 Release Notes
- EasyCatalog 17.0.1 Release Notes
- Automatic Language Translation
- EasyCatalog 17.0.0 Release Notes
- Calculating the number of days between two dates
- InDesign 2021 no longer starting without EasyCatalog errors
- Formatting Rules - Duplicating a Frame for Each Cell of a Tabular Field
- Combined Data Sources
- Table Filtering
- Hilighting the Document Selection
- Augmenting Datasources via "CreateContent.lua"
- Upgrading to InDesign 2024
- How Does Licensing Work with Creative Cloud Versions?
- Preprocessing Field Options
- Use Formatting Rules Post Processing to Paginate Images
- The Enhanced HTML Parser
- Applying Table Cell Attributes
- Versions Panel
- EasyCatalog Product Activation
- Custom Data Providers
- Custom Menus and Dialogs
- Accessing the InDesign Scripting DOM via Lua
- Batch Scripted Custom Fields
- EasyCatalog Demonstration Files
- Running a new version of InDesign?
- Custom Reports
- Custom Adoption
- Post Processing of Formatting Rules
- Advanced Preferences
- The "ENV" Custom Field Command
- Running the Windows Installer Silently
- Applying CMYK or RGB values to a frame
- Handling Nested HTML Tags in Formatted Fields
- Custom Image Import
- Specifying Defaults for the EasyCatalog Workspace Folder
- Generate InDesign Based QR Codes
- Automatically tagging existing documents using a Regular Expression
- Specifying Defaults For Data Providers
- Converting XML tags to EasyCatalog Tags
- Can I automatically rename an InDesign form field during pagination?
- Custom Relinking of Fields
- Date/Time Formatting Options
- Specifying a time-out value for URL-based operations
- Using LUA commands to create an index/glossary
- Working With Tabular Fields
- Accessing Guide Based Pagination Progress on InDesign Server
- EasyCatalog Server and Salsify
- Configuring Cross Platform Picture Paths
- Cross Referencing Fields From Another Data Source
- Moving EasyCatalog to a new machine
- Sending a Crash Report
- Number formatting using custom fields
- Changing URL-based image storage paths
- Advanced Computed Fields Commands
- Replacing a Unicode code point using cleansing
- Advanced Conditional Processing Using Lua
- Reapplying Pagination Rules during Update Document
- Panel drawing on the Mac is slow after upgrading to Yosemite
- Using EasyCatalog to Create a Cross Table of XML Data
- Fixing the links in a document created with the wrong key fields
- Hyperlinking to another page in the document
- Working with images in a hierarchical folder structure
- Computed Fields and Complex Tables
- Is there a way for EasyCatalog to display any price below a dollar ie: โ.99โ as โ99โตโ?
- Can EasyCatalog be used to produce graphs?
- How do I uninstall or remove EasyCatalog?
- Specifying faces for the < b > and < i > HTML tags
- Using tags to apply paragraph and character styles inside a field
- Customizing the EasyCatalog Panel Flyout Menu
- Referencing a field in a CALLSCRIPT script
- Using a post image import script to manipulate an image
- I only want to know which fields have content in a group
- Is it possible to rename a panel after it is created?
- How do I 'fix' a column in the EasyCatalog panel so it doesn't scroll from view?
- Making the decimal part of a price Superscript
- How do I tag an untagged table with content?
- How do I populate a table using only a records key value
- Is it possible to fill a table where the data fields are not in a row but in a column?
- Change the colour of text that's placed into a field specifier
- What are Formatting Rules and Rule Sets?
- What is a Custom Field?
- How do I stop the "About EasyCatalog" dialog box appearing when launching InDesign?
- How do I specify multiple file extensions for images?
- Why aren't my images being placed?
- Can EasyCatalog search in sub-folders for images?
- Does EasyCatalog support Unicode?
- Can EasyCatalog produce barcodes?
- I'm seeing a duplicate keys error, what does that mean?
- What is the maximum number of records and fields?
- Field Markers are not visible in the document
- Creating an index
- Detecting placed records outside of EasyCatalog
- An error occurred reading the field definition file
- Edit multiple field options
- Example XSL using a loop to populate a table
- Exporting custom fields from EasyCatalog to the data source
- How to send your workspace folder
- Populate a table with multiple rows per record
- Resetting your InDesign preferences
- Select items from an EasyCatalog panel prior to dragging from a library flagged as 'EasyCatalog Library'
- What are the differences between the lite and full versions
- Data cannot be loaded because blank field names were found
- Document edited without EasyCatalog loaded
- Fields no longer linked in the document
- Removing empty fields
- Table population is missing the first record
- Unable to write to the workspace folder
- What is 'Multiple Users Share This Workspace'?
- EasyCatalog FAQs
- Beta Features
- Using Formatting Rules With ExtendScript
- Custom Formatting Of Numeric Values
- Placing fields inside tabular fields
- Grouped Tabular Fields
- Formatting Rules Combined With Tabular Fields
- Formatting Rule Fields
- Inserting Images as Anchored Frames
- Formatting Rules - Duplicating a Frame for Each Cell of a Tabular Field
- Replacing Delimited Field Names With Field Content
- Generate InDesign Based QR Codes
- Beta Features