EasyCatalog provides the ability to a create a matrix table — a table that expands both horizontally and vertically, populating data at the intersection of each column and row.
A new dialog is available on the Table menu (on the data panel’s pop-out menu) to specify the more common matrix table parameters. Additional parameters are still available by editing the XML commands on the table’s Script Label. Further information on this can be found here.
This dialog also features a ‘Preview’ option, so before showing this dialog please select the data you would like to use to preview your matrix table.
Table Attributes
Specifies the number of columns on the left of the table that are fixed — these are typically header columns.
Specifies the number of columns on the right of the table that are fixed — again, these can be header columns but are located at the right of the table.
The width of the final populated table can be controlled using this attribute. Specify an absolute measurement, including measurement system, or a percentage. Percentage values will be based on the width of the table’s containing text frame (e.g. 75% will be 75% of the width of the text frame containing the table).
If a cell in the finished table is empty, the table cell style specified here is applied to the cell
If a cell in the finished table is empty, the cell is populated with the content specified by this attribute.
Rows Attributes
One row will be created the document table for each unique value contained in the specified field.
If specified, the rows will be sorted using the content of this field. Click the sort order arrow next to the field pop-up for an ascending (up arrow) or descending (down arrow) sort.
By default, EasyCatalog will create one row per unique value in the specified ‘Field’ option above. However, by specifying a group field EasyCatalog will create a new row per unique value within each group. Click the sort order arrow next to the group pop-up for an ascending (up arrow) or descending (down arrow) sort.
Columns Attributes
One column will be created the document table for each unique value contained in the specified field.
If specified, the columns will be sorted using the content of this field. Click the sort order arrow next to the field pop-up for an ascending (up arrow) or descending (down arrow) sort.
By default, EasyCatalog will create one column per unique value in the specified ‘Field’ option above. However, by specifying a group field EasyCatalog will create a new column per unique value within each group. Click the sort order arrow next to the group pop-up for an ascending (up arrow) or descending (down arrow) sort.