EasyCatalog Training

Avatar DPS, our longtime North American partner, is offering EasyCatalog training. This eLearning course teaches you the foundations of EasyCatalog in nine units and ten instruction hours. New and pre-existing EasyCatalog users can both benefit from this course. You will learn up-to-date practices and everything you need to utilize your EasyCatalog trial or purchase. 

Avatar DPS are our EasyCatalog Experts. They can tackle any size project at any stage. They offer one-on-one mentoring and custom solution development for your team. Contact them for a FREE Initial Consult about your project.

  • Unit 1: InDesign for Automation
  • Unit 2: Data and the Data Panel
  • Unit 3: Pagination
  • Unit 4: Updating Documents
  • Unit 5: Creating EasyCatalog-Linked Objects
  • Unit 6: Batch Pagination
  • Unit 7: Advanced Pagination Techniques
  • Unit 8: Advanced Tables
  • Unit 9:  Formatting Rules
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